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Property Marketing and Advertising

Selling your house is all about marketing your asset to maximum advantage. To choose the right agent is crucial for a successful sale of your asset. The key to selling a property is all about getting the real estate agents to receive enquiries and interest by buyers

Advertising your house for sale

Based on Harvey Grennan article in H&G advice.

It is achieved through advertising. The problem is that most agents are not skilled in marketing, despite claims to be ‘experts in marketing properties’.  In fact, the best agents employ advertising professionals to design their ads.

There are many ways to promote a property: local and metro newspapers, the internet, springboards, brochures and radio and TV for bigger campaigns.

Agents can include a lot of photos, videos in an online listing. This present opportunity to deliver a great deal of information to potential buyers, which will encourage them to inspect your property.

Once you decide to sell, the first rule is to check online advertising before choosing who you going to list your property with. Please avoid agents who put one image and limited description of your property. This is great indication that the agent has no idea about the art of advertising. The internet is a major marketing tool and must be used well. Many agents use tired phrases such as ‘simply the best’ or ‘vendor says sell’ ( what else they would say?), which usually describe mediocre properties and are quite meaningless.

Look for an agent who can encapsulate what is unique and different about your home in a catchy headline and copy. Is it the style of your home, the location, its low- maintenance or price? Browse through the local newspapers and internet sites to judge who produces the best property advertisements.

Your property should stand out and then you know you have the right agency to promote your property.

Encore Property Group will:

1. List your site on major real estate sites.

2. Make sure that images and description, as well as punch line, stand out

3. Use great photography and effects to make your property look awesome

4. We can include videos

5. We can include panoramic images

6. We include free QR codes to allow users to scan property location and information

7. Automatic PDF creation so people can download from the site

8. List your home in local newspapers

9. Place your property in our office window

10. Place your property in our publications.

Most of all each property location will be individually optimised( SEO) with our SEO expert

View our successful sales here.

Marketing and Advertising